
Thank you for all the love you have shown us for our previous films and for your lovely eagerness about KOODE. I usually write a note on the eve of the release so here goes:

So often we struggle among the past and the future, forgetting the value of the present. This movie is about living in the moment. In the HERE & NOW.

“Poyathu poyi,

veraanullathu verum –

pakshe sherikyum…

ithu randideyum idayil ullathil alle karyam?”

I have been waiting to share the story of the origin of this film with you.

When my stories Bangalore Days & Ustad Hotel were adapted by other filmmakers I was part of many discussions that made me curious about the process. I was keen to explore the process of adaptation which I think is a real challenge to do well.

During this time I was invited to watch a regional film and something in the film touched me. I found myself re-imagining the story in a different way and when I discussed it with its makers they graciously offered the adaptation rights to me. But he had some advice – to keep one peculiar element under the wraps as they had done. They explained that on release they had even requested their media and the audience to not reveal the story so that the movie is not spoilt for the rest of the audience. Their wonderful audience and local media were so supportive that none of them revealed that element in the reviews.

As per their advice we have remained totally quiet about its origin until today. But now time has come for us to offer this film to you so it is time to share. KOODE is an adaptation of the original story by Sachin Kundalkar. I am honoured that he trusted me with the story and it has been a rich learning experience for me. For those who have seen the original please be prepared to see a different interpretation. 😊

I humbly request our audience and media to not share that element in their reviews so that everyone may experience the movie first hand.

It is a peculiar journey of Joshua.

Do close your eyes, open your mind and join in on this ride.

Much Love.😍

69 thoughts on “Koode

  1. I just finished reading the ‘The God of Small Things’ and in my head Prithviraj became Estha. I didn’t know why that happened, but somehow feel it’s because of the way he portrayed Joshua in Koode. Has anyone else felt this?

  2. Loved the movie…its been quite sometime now since a story has moved me the way Koodae has…
    thank you for not underestimating my brain!

    just one thing…can’t forgive you for the water bottle though…will probably hold the grudge till you next movie comes out! 🙂

    please keep telling us more stories in your style…i hope it evolves too…

  3. I quite liked Bangalore days. But the x factor in the movie, was undoubtedly Nivin. All other casts were just predictable (as in all their other movies). He lent the authenticity and novelty factor to the movie which made it a hit. It is a shame that Anjali undermined Nivin’s versitility, didn’t see that he would have been the perfect cast for this movie too. Pritviraj is not a method actor. he fails at this just as he failed in Celluloid. He is good in roles like puthiya mukam and sapthamasree thaskara. Parvathi was tolerable as always but she is fast becoming predictable as is Nazriya. The direction of this movie was very bad or a case of bad acting. I don’t know which is the case but it felt like the direction was very bad. Several moments and pause which wasn’t meaningful, neither did it lend much to the movie. it felt like the script wasn’t strong enough to fill in the gaps and the blind spots. It was dragging, boring, my guess is that it is down to very bad direction. I didn’t like ustad hotel either. Now I am not one of them who likes cheesy movies and Anjali’s story telling is rather saccharine to my taste. It couldve been saved with good acting or a script but there were far too many blank spaces with pritviraj and nazriya not knowing what to do or say. Nazriya is a good actress but she was exposed to a movie that made her a typecast. The story, the theme was a good one that could have showcased great directorial talent but if Anjali fails to make the right judgement in casting, she will never be making another successful movie and would also end up making a typecast of otherwise good actors like Nazriya. Prithviraj’s parents in this movie were the worst actors. Hanging around in movies not knowing what to say and do is bad directing and it happened during the entire movie. Now we all know the ground rules, once a person is hailed as a great director, then we must sing from that song sheet but it would only make anjali menon a bad movie maker if she doesn’t wake up and smell the coffee. Koode is an example of bad film making. There was nothing wrong with the story or the theme but the script and direction was bad, so were the music, the songs were completely conveniently forgettable ones. I give the effort 4/10 and that’s me being generous.

    1. Really!!!!?????? Did you watched the movie or are you writing this out your frustration/irritation of life?? 😄

  4. Thanks, very well done & all the best Anjali, Prithvi and team! The film takes the audience through an emotional turbulence, whatever the age group of audience be.

    Intrinsically woven emotions, however subtle it is, are very well played by Prithvi, Parvathy, Renjith, Nazriya & Mala Parvathy, to highlight. There are many a scene which are correctly showcased, not through dialogues, but through action/emotions alone.

    Anjali, your ability to move in between various emotions and at the same time taking the audience along with it as well is really noteworthy, keep it up! Presenting the song “paranne…” was such a pleasure while watching movie since till the point where this song was played, the movie was proceeding in a very different tone and all of a sudden this song….amazing & we all loved the treatment too.

    When you have selected Prithvi to play Joshua, it was clear that the character has some subtle emotions to play which could be handled by just very few of our young heroes, which was undoubtedly managed by Prithvi, another feather in his cap!

    Your talent to narrate stories in bits n pieces and at the same time not losing the grip of story telling is amazing. This was observed in your earlier films as well. In theaters we could find lot of parents and grandparents also, along with young crowds, which was really heart whelming. Now a days very less chance we get to take our parents, grandparents to a movie, considering the content.

    Definitely let us wait for more such treats.

  5. I was sick,my lil toddlers were sick,after a long travel!! I was trying to settle myself., then with desperation I went to Anand Cinemas alone to watch ‘Koode’. I was lil late,but I started feeling heavy.,got my eyes wet frm the start..,happen to see a leaf 🍃 falling out of the umbrella along with rain nd tears f Josh! Ur patience as a director., noted mam.All instances were unfathomable.,”The Great bath of Fellini,Arirang,God of small things…” all n my bucket list.,nd to that “Koode”. All u do is a paradigm shift.,from a show piece to a realistic art.,Thank you

  6. Saw Koode in Bangalore last night, loved it, great work!I liked the way the story developed slowly, and loved the restrained acting. One question: I get the use of the ghost as a device for self-discovery; each time Joshua discovers something new about Jenny, his life moves forward. I also get the fact that the dog may be consuming the food that he buys for the ghost and so the illusion of the ghost can continue. But what about the credit card purchase online? Did Joshua do that himself and but is in denial? What else explains his being ignorant of the buy when the stuff is delivered?

  7. Any way your fillm and you are beautifully thought S and ideas are really appreciated really I am fan of you I have read everything about you from Babita weekly your views are different from others if you willing to start any project with me you are always welcome I will be a producer for you cutee

  8. Just came back watching this movie with my family and it was a great experience…lots of life lessons. And the best dialogue was when Jennie was explaining to Joshua about her theory on “LOVE & DUTY”.
    Just curious – is there any particular source from where you got that inspirational thought or was it some random thing?

  9. Add notes on Shelf for easier view access.

    Hi Anjali, so touched to read through all these comments above. Many of the emotions that I also share. Although I have it all in my heart n throat, not coming out as beautiful as I want them to be in words. Loved Koode as much, or more, as your earlier ones. The magic you could bring in to the story, the dialogues, expressions, frames – you are so very blessed, Anjali. You are now a dear “friend”, who is close to my heart – because through your films, you could easily bring in a connection only friends can feel and share. All the very best to you, Anjali!

  10. Dear Ma’am,

    I have always been a fan of all your movies starting from manjadikuru, usthad hotel which you had written. and bangalore days which is one of my favorites. You have become one of the directors whose movies I wait for, eager to see your new movie and wish you all the success…. the best part is the new perspective you bring in your movies through simple situations. Being a avid reader the vision/imagination of any story is something that has always fascinated me and you have seemed to project a vision which seems the sole one befitting the story you have made…. best wishes and hope you great success with koode!!

  11. Ever since Manjaadikkuru, I have eagerly waited for your next and made sure I watched in the very first week.
    Thanks to this stupid national anthem scene, I have stopped going to the movie halls. Will wait for the dvd.
    All the best maam.

  12. അഞ്ജലി മേനോൻ എന്ന സംവിധായകയുടെ സിനിമ എന്നതുകൊണ്ട് മാത്രം കാണാൻ പോയ സിനിമ….😌😌


    ഒരു കുടുബ കഥയിലേക്ക് കാൽപനികത ചേർത്ത് അതിമനോഹരമായ ദൃശ്യഭംഗിയൊരുക്കി നിങ്ങളെ ”കൂടെ” കൂട്ടും ഈ സിനിമാനുഭവം….😘😘

    ”ജെന്നി” യും ജെന്നിയുടെ സഹോദരൻ ”ച്ചാ” എന്ന ”ജോഷ്വ”യും ആയി
    നസ്രിയയും പൃഥ്വിയും ഈ കഥാപാത്രങ്ങളെ കൂടുതൽ മനോഹരമാക്കി……💕💕

    പാർവ്വതിയുടെ ”സോഫി”യും സംവിധായകൻ രഞ്ജിത്ത് അവതരിപ്പിച്ച ”അലോഷി”യും തന്റെ കഥാപത്രത്തെ നന്നായി അവതരിപ്പിച്ചു…😍😍

    മഞ്ചാടിക്കുരു സിനിമയിലെ കണ്ണൻ എന്ന കഥാപാത്രത്തെ മനോഹരമാക്കിയ റിജോഷ് ചെറുതാണെങ്കിലും ഈ സിനിമയിലെ ഒരു കഥാപാത്രമായി എത്തുന്നുണ്ട്….💖💖

    കാസ്റ്റിങ്ങ് നന്നായി നടത്തിയ ഈ സിനിമയുടെ സംവിധാനം അത്രമേൽ മനോഹരം………..😍😍
    ഇഷ്ട്ട സംവിധായികയായി വീണ്ടും വീണ്ടും അഞ്ജലി മേനോൻ…….💗💗

    പറഞ്ഞാലും….പറഞ്ഞാലും തീരില്ല ”കൂടെ….”

    ഇത്…….”പറവ” പോലെ അനുഭവിക്കേണ്ട സിനിമ…😘😘

    കുടുംബസമേതം ”കൂടെ” കാണുക…..😊😊

    സിനിമയ്ക്ക് ശേഷം ജെന്നിയും ജോഷ്വയും നിങ്ങളുടെ കൂടെയുണ്ടാവും തീർച്ച…..💓💓

    നിങ്ങളുടെ ജീവിതത്തിലേ ഓരോ സന്ദർഭങ്ങളിലും നിങ്ങളുടെ ”കൂടെ” ജെന്നിയെത്തും….😍😍

    അവളുടെ ചിറകുകൾ വീശി നിങ്ങളുടെ മനസ്സിലേക്ക് വീണ്ടും ”കൂടെ” തൊട്ടുണർത്തും……തീർച്ച…..😘😘😘

  13. 🔹606. #കൂടെ

    Gnr :- FeelGood
    Lang :- മലയാളം 2018

    “ജെനി ,ജോഷ്വാ, സോഫിയ”
    ബന്ധങ്ങളുടെ തീഷ്ണതയിൽ കൂടെ കൂട്ടുന്ന കൂടെ…
    അത്രപെട്ടെന്ന് മനസ്സിൽ നിന്ന് പടിയിറക്കാൻ സാധിക്കാത്ത എന്തോ ഒന്ന് പരിധിക്കപ്പുറം തുളച്ച് കയറിയ ദൃശ്യമികവ്.

    “My Rating :- 5/5”

    -Yadu EZr
    [ https://yaduezr.blogspot.com/2018/07/thoughts-on.html?m=1 ]

  14. Hello ma’am, first of all congratulations for the completion of your movie ‘koode’.
    As far as I heard this movie also focuses on the little things in life which we forget to notice or practice because of our busy schedules. The way ‘manjadi’ narrated the story to us, the young generation, was incredibly touching. I expect that koode will also give us some food for thought. We all are waiting for koode to get released in Bangalore. Could you please tell me the release date in Bangalore?

  15. Dearest Anjali, Hope you still remember me ! I was quite excited to know the news of your movie and been downloading and hearing Koode’ songs repeatedly, in my car! Especially ” Minnaminni” and incidentally i walked into my church in tears. Somehow it entwined me to the lost relationship with my kid brother and promised God i will never cry and waste my time being depressed. Thank you for insinuating such a message with that song! Thank you. Loved all songs and each one imply a message, which is very touching. Again you have created a beautiful experience for your audience , like Banglore days and Ustad hotel and Mangajikkuru. Waiting for Koode’ to reach Gulf Theaters.

  16. Have been eagerly waiting for the release of Koode. But unfortunately as always will only get to see this if at all it gets released in Hyderabad. Have been missing all good movies since Malayalam movies have no market here in Hyderabad I guess. Wishing you and team all the very best

  17. adore filmmakes that strives to strike a balance between mainstream and art…..This is what I felt when I watched Manjadikkuru first time, and from then all your movies were yeilding value for both entertaintment and make-belief/thoughts. Thank you so much, and hope to watch Koode soon here in UK.

  18. ഈ സിനിമക്കും,സിനിമയിലും ഒരു ആത്മാവ് ഉണ്ട്‌ അത് തന്നെയാണ് ഈ സിനിമയുടെ വിജയം,എല്ലാവിധ ആശംസകളും…

  19. I saw the move ma’am and it was dreamy.The bond between Prithvi Raj and Nazriya is astonishing .And Parvathi , she’s very beautiful with Prithvi.
    I don’t expect that twist in it , really unexpected ,at first i thought the move was a flash back story .
    Thank you for this wonderful film ma’am

  20. A few years ago , I still remember googling “When is the next Anjali Menon Film” literally typing every of the above mentioned word in.I never had earlier faced google disappointing me , The results gave me useless articles and loads of other stuff which werent half related.
    Then slowly this became an Habit of mine , at one point or the other I kept googling Anjali Menon films , Watched in Repeat every of her movie. Reading her articles , checking her Blog and watching her speak became a Regular.The feeling of bond and that smile on face whenever I immediately could relate to Something in her Middle eastern life style or the Emotions she gives away when talking about Kerala Culture and Kozhikode or how much she revolves about the world Sensibility.
    One morning I wake up to this feed on my facebook by Basil joseph(Director of Godha) about the song Koode from Anjalis new movie and Hence the Wait started Rushing.
    I could feel that Rush of Excitment to this day watching the movie with a smile on face through the length of the movie and still hard to fade out the visuals shot so beautifully Making such an impact on the Malayalam Film industry Ever.
    Koode is a Must Watch Movie for all the Malayalee movie fans out there.
    The movie is so Pure and I would rather not say a word about on it , cause its a must watch Entertainer.The movie looks so new and contains a lot of Experiments which worked out Brilliantly for the Director.
    The performance of every single artist potrayed in the film is so Genuine and sparks out the work of pure Talent.
    “The Audience is supposed to fall in love with the Artists and the Cinema , But Here we are forced to constantly be Enchanted by the Magic of a Director like Anjali Menon”
    If Films of Such Intense Density can be Created more years of wait can be Tolerated.
    Thank You , A fan❤

  21. “Koode” superb movie…
    Good feeling & Anjali mam Excellent making & Direction👌👌
    All the best👍👍

  22. Koode is hands down, the Malayalam movie of this year. Thank you Anjali for the heartwarming tale of Josh and Jeni. This movie, is a gem.

  23. Thank you ! Thank you ! Thanks alot 🙂 koodeay oral ullathaanu eattum valiya santhosham 🙂 Touch ed :*

      1. The Journey a NRI Malayalee could have deeply connect is true only with few of the situations in the movie with some Life lesson dialogues too. But a disappointment compared to the original version which is crisp and straight forward. Felt that the Inclusion of unnecessary | additional characters and situations diverted the attention and distracted the viewer and kept away from relate to the characters in the movie. Must say that the movie started really great with beautiful visuals and the Title shows as a view from top is ”top notch’ and kept the interest till the Interval for sure.

  24. Hi Anjali, I am a great fan of you through your movies. There is not a minute of boredom in them! Was eagerly awaiting a movie from you and here it is. Hope to see it soon and good luck for the release and success of ‘Koode’

  25. Very much looking forward to watch it at Brisbane next week ….for your magic in showing relationships….was desperately waiting for Praveen to finish “koode” and join my short movie “kivuda”…definitely very excited to watch it for many reasons…

  26. Want to watch the film but no one is releasing in France. 😦 Will you release it on Netflix or Amazon Prime after a few months ?

  27. Dear Anjali, happy to see your post. I was very excited when I came to know the news of your movie. I have been closely following the songs etc ever since even in a busy daily schedule 🙂 Loved the songs so much, most of them very soothing whereas couple inspiring:) can see the focus is on human emotions..You have created a beautiful and positive experience just with the songs and visuals. Actors have done great job as well including the child artists. When will the movie be released in US? Can’t wait! All the best for the entire team! Njangal undu ‘koode’:)

  28. All the best for koode!!! Looking forward to watching it in Mumbai on 20th. Love your films for the sheer experience it gives.
    I like the theme of the film.Just like the famous quote says The past is History ..the future is a mystery..today is a gift…thats why they call it a present !!!! HERE and NOW.
    Stay blessed!

  29. All the best Ms Anjali… when will it be released in Dubai pls? Njangallude Koode kaanan varumo 🤗

  30. Yes, waiting for the peculiar journey experience. And many thanks for this note – sounds like an extension of the thought – i’ve always been quoting the Bangalore Days’ letter from Goa [something like – nammal jeevichiriykkunna ee nimisham mathrame namukkoppam ullu] on some compassionate chats. 🙂 Best wishes for Koodey.

    1. read this lovely article on ET Sunday. appreciate the sincerity and the extend of aesthetic demand you maintain within you when you say, ‘it’s my enjoyment as part of the audience that made me want to become a filmmaker’. also loved the optimistic conclusion – ‘there’s so much more to do’
      awaiting ‘koode’ desperately for the Bangalore release and for future projects to come. Best wishes, Anjali.

  31. I knew this was “Sachin Kundalkar story” in Malayalam once I saw the vehicle, got confirmed when I saw Atul Kulkarni in the trailer. It was ridiculed for a sloppy second half, hopefully you have lend your magical touch on to it. Anyways I am a big big fan of yours was so looking forward to watch it this weekend, unfortunately it didn’t release in Pune. Next week pakka!

      1. When we read a book there will be different interpretation to that. An experienced person and an inexperienced would interpret it differently. Yours is a masterstroke, full Justice to the story like an experienced person. Every character has a backstory. Jenny’s room, dog, Parvathy’s character, Prithviraj character even parents every bit etched out. The story unfolded very beautifully. Never a dull moment. What a treatment! Some people may persuade you to try something different. Don’t do that. You have an inherent ability to explore human emotions. Please stick to what you do best. Thank Nazriya, Prithviraj and Parvathy for their Fab performance. Even Renjith Sir was Fab. Outstanding movie, take a bow Anjali. Looking forward to your next, see you at the movies.

        1. Forgot to mention the addition of coach’s role. Even Atul Kulkarni might have liked your version over the Marathi movie.

  32. The wait was over when “Koode” was announced. It’s always a didferent experience to watch your movie, the way you narrate the movies and express the feelings n ppl is different. All the best for “Koode”. Does real life stories influence you as much as movies?

  33. Absolutely confident..koode will be an experience to cherish .sad we at Hyderabad need to wait… may be till next week..all the best mam

  34. Hey Anjali!! Back with a bang huh! “Koode” – njangalum und!!! Watched your recent media interviews… ofcourSe super excited for the film! Best wishes as always! And congrats on your little one ❤

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